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John's 2019 European Volleyball Coaching Adventure
Admin stuff
Trip Overview (13:39)
The full trip schedule
Volleyball Development Camp - Aug 5-9
Camp Overview (2:35)
Game: Don't Drop the Baby (0:43)
Drill: 10-player Serve Receive Drill (0:37)
One Court Three Exercises (0:17)
Discussion of serve receive with campers
Thinking about how we discuss errors (8:57)
Conflict between words and training in a serve receive drill (0:34)
FINO Kaposvar (Hungarian pro team) Aug 10-27
Kaposvar Overview (4:23)
Introduction to Ruben Wolochin
Basic calendar structure
4-week Workout Plan
Practice Plan - Day 1
Drill: Dig-to-Self and Downball (0:13)
Practice Plan - Day 2, Ball-handling
Drill Combo: Serve-Pass-Attack plus Defense-Set (2:50)
Practice Plan - Day 2, Full
Drill: Dig-to-Set (2:20)
Drill: Blocking footwork (4:16)
Game: OH-MB vs OPP-MB reception and freeball (5:00)
Game: 6 v 6 freeball entry game (4:38)
Game: 6 v 6 with toss on miss and 2nd ball at 3m (10:27)
Practice Plan - Day 3, Ball-handling
Mobility-Prehap Example 1 (30:09)
Game: VolleyTennis - Teams Short-Court (1:59)
No bouncing balls in shoulder warmup (1:25)
Drill: 2-player reception with second ball to non-receiver (2:05)
Practice Plan - Day 3, Full
Dynamic Warm-Up (7:57)
Drill: 5-player dig-to-set (3:30)
Drill: Attack over the string (2:42)
Game: 5 v 5 focus on middle quick and pipe (10:00)
Practice Plan - Day 4
Practice Plan - Day 5, Ball-handling
Mobility-Prehab Example 2 (31:29)
Drill: Line-Cross Serve and Pass (4:19)
Practice Plan - Day 5, Full
Dynamic Warmup Version 2 (4:48)
Game: Full-team Rotating Don't Drop the Baby (4:50)
Game: 4v4 Backrow with fixed setters and liberos (3:42)
Game: 2 v 2 2-touch (4:47)
Practice Plan - Day 6, Full
Game: 3-player 2-touch (5:04)
Game Play with Rotating MBs and OHs (10:00)
Practice Plan - Day 7, Full
Drill: Full-Court Middle Back Pepper (2:27)
Drill: 3-player Dig-Set (2:30)
Wash Game - 2nd ball if receivers win (5:00)
Games: VolleyTennis variations (1:24)
Mobility-Prehab Example 3 (25:19)
Training Aide for Passing Platform Work (0:21)
Drill: Cooperative 2-touch, 2-player with rotation (1:46)
Practice Plan - Day 8, Full
Drill: 5 v 4 offense vs defense (5:24)
Drill: 5 v 6 serve plus 2 balls (10:00)
Drill: Serve & Pass with defense (5:14)
Practice Plan - Day 9, Full
Another Warmup Variation (10:10)
Drill: Serve and Pass with Middles taking short serves (5:00)
Practice Plan - Day 10, Full
Practice Plan - Day 11, Full
Game: 6 v 5 - 5 play without MB and receive serve + freeball (10:24)
Practice Plan - Day 12, Full (2:05)
Drill: 2-player cross-court reception with setting and 2nd ball (5:10)
Game: 6 v 6 with 3-balls per attacker (5:31)
Thoughts from my time in Kaposvar
Always working on some team aspect in games (3:21)
Using 2nd chance balls (2:06)
Using attack direction as setter feedback (3:08)
Influence of training tempo on the players (3:43)
Open Q&A
Q&A Session August 29th (17:11)
Q&A Session September 16th (14:06)
England Youth/Junior National Team Camp - Aug 31-Sep 1
England Camp Overview (3:29)
Cadets Practice Plan 1
Drill: 2-side setting off coach toss (0:51)
Drill: Passing off box throw plus blocking transition (0:59)
Drill: Butterfly with addition (1:29)
Drill: French Drill (1:05)
Playing Sample top Cadets (5:29)
Cadets Practice Plan 2
Cadets Practice Plan 3
Game: Juniors - back row 4 v 4 continuous (1:40)
Juniors - Sample 6 v 6 (1:15)
Juniors - Sample 6 v 6 No 2 (3:14)
Conegliano - Sep 3-6
Conegliano Overview (4:47)
Hitting against the wall (0:20)
Top U16s playing 6 v 6 with defense ball to start (1:01)
Drill: 2nd ball setting (0:26)
Game: 4 v 4, 2 up/2 back focused on defense against OH and Pipe (1:05)
Full Practice: U12s and Littles (111:17)
Drill: Partner Pass & Touch (0:30)
Inefficient Training: Wasting court availability (0:30)
Drill: Angled movement (0:17)
Drill: From knee to passing bounced set (0:20)
Drill: Setter transition and set from off the net (0:17)
Drill: Passing from two knees (0:10)
Drill: Short-Long Variation (0:33)
Drill: Standing attack over the net to catch (0:30)
Sample Play: U14s (0:55)
Drill: Passing from toss over the net (0:16)
Game: 5 v 5 with Setter and OH front row (1:21)
Drill: Working on rotational defense with hitters (0:53)
Game: 5 v 5 with Setter and MB front row (22:26)
Drill: 2-side Single player serving and passing (3:01)
Volleyball England Coaches Conference - Sep 7
England Conference Overview (2:11)
Introduction and Developments (35:41)
My Presentation - First part laying out the principles (11:45)
Presentation Outline
Guadalajara - Spanish National team - Sep 10
Spain Men's National Team Overview (1:01)
Warm-up and Prehab/Activation (25:55)
Drill: 2nd ball setting with target (3:54)
Drill: Recieve serve then cover (3:00)
Drill: 4-receiver, 4-ball reception (2:59)
Warm-up Sample 2 (17:07)
6 v 6 playing sample (14:59)
Alcobendas Club - Sep 11-12
Alcobendas Overview (1:32)
Game: Rotating 3 v 3 with predetermined attack patterns (0:33)
Game: 4 v 4 with rotating hitters (3:15)
Game: 4 v 5 two balls per side (4:58)
Game: 4 v 5 from serve with 4 extra balls (4:09)
Full Session: Juniors ages 9-11 (51:08)
Part Session: Juniors 11-13 (43:55)
Drill: 2-sided receive-to-attack, MB on one side (1:00)
Sample of the Cadete squad (3:24)
A couple issues with this one (1:33)
Drill: Ball-handling group exercise (1:47)
Game: 3 v 3 with rotating hitters (lower level example) (1:36)
A strange drill sequence (2:09)
Player hitting and digging drill issues (1:00)
Barcelona - Sep 13-16
Barcelona Overview (4:30)
Barcelona player progression chart
Playing Sample: Barcelona SuperLiga team (5:02)
Space Use Sample - 4 stations (1:00)
Another Stations Example - Ball-handling (0:56)
Drill: 3-player Dig-Set-Hit (1:00)
Game: 5 v 5 with rotating hitters (1:21)
Näfels - Sep 17-18
Näfels Overview (1:30)
Game: "Solutions"-only
Drill: Variation on dig to high ball set (1:05)
Game: Free ball to target competition (1:36)
Näfels playing sample (5:33)
Creatigve solution for a blocking device
Full session: U12 boys (69:48)
Volleya Obwalden - Sep 19-20
Obwalden Overview (2:36)
Team principles board
Thoughts and concepts
Practice plan: Women's 2nd Division Team
Sample Warm-up (8:09)
Game: 3 v 3 back row waves with fixed setters (4:59)
Drill: Transition hitting for MBs and pins (5:00)
Game: Alternating serves w/player rotations to work on rotations (10:00)
Tilburg (Netherlands) - Sep 22
Tilburg Overview (3:27)
Action Types
Berlin - Sep 23
German National Academy Overview (2:44)
Practice Plan: Block & Defense focus
IBB Polonia London - Sep 25
Polonia Overview (1:45)
Team Pepper (1:01)
Playing Sample (5:32)
University of Essex (UK) - Sep 26-27
Essex Overview (2:53)
First Day Practice Plan
Mens warmup (5:54)
Womens warmup (5:43)
Drill: Hit from Down Ball (HDB) (2:47)
Drill: OH-Pipe-D v Block (3:18)
Drill: 5-ball Hitters vs Blockers (2:53)
Game: 3-ball wash (men) (5:24)
Game 3-ball wash (women) (5:38)
Teach online with
Obwalden Overview
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